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Big Paws

September 8, 2015 - 7:00 p.m.

The September meeting was held at Big Paws to give club members an opportunity to learn more about the organization and to meet the dog that the club sponsored.

Meeting was called to order by President Paula Spielman.

There was a motion by Brian Schaffer to approve the minutes from the June meeting with a second by Tracy Thorstenson. Motion carried.

President’s Report

Paula mentioned that the board had sent a gift card to Dustin Byrum for putting the mats back down after the fair. A gift card was also sent to Damon Spielman for cleaning the clubhouse while Dave was gone.

Paula announced that title pins will be presented at the October meeting for prior titles. After October pins will only be awarded for future titles. Members who are eligible for title pins need to e-mail Paula before the October meeting.

Paula shared that TDI will be using the clubhouse occasionally for training and testing.

Secretary’s Report

A second reading was held for Cassandra Benson and her application was approved. A first reading was held for Maggie Pearson­­­­.

Treasurer’s Report

Paula presented the financial report.


The show premium is out on the website.

There was a request for the password for the Members Only page. Tammie said she would send it out to the membership again.


We have a better response to the classes this time. Almost all the classes are full.

Public Relations

Mert announced that there will be a ribbon cutting at 11:00 on the Friday of the show. He is working with Sunny Radio to promote the show, especially the Halloween costume contest.

Fall Show

Tracy announced that she has rooms reserved at the Sheraton for the judges. She also mentioned that she was arranging for security for a flat fee of $450 instead of by the hour.

The Friday night match will be 2 separate matches.

Other Business

Grace Boyce has agreed to chair the Nominating Committee. Members of the committee include Mert Kramer, Sally Marum and Nickie Johnson.

Carol Everett will be lining up an agility seminar.

Cindy & Phil Rustad will hopefully be the judges for the 2016 summer obedience trial.

There was a motion from Brian Schaffer to adjourn the meeting and a second by Tracy. Meeting was adjourned.

Submitted by Cindy Bailey, Secretary

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