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Carol Everetts Training Building

February 5, 2015 - 7:00 p.m.

Present at the meeting were Paula Spielman, Dee Isakson, Kris Hurst, Dave Nielson, Carol Everett, Dawn Fischer, Brian Frentz.

There was a discrepancy in the January minutes, and the general meeting minutes on the cost of obedience seminar. It was decided to charge $150 as originally decided upon at the January Board meeting. The motion was made and seconded. The minutes were approved as amended.

President’s Report

Paula announced that the Fairgrounds will be holding the Tri-State Horse Expo March 19-22. You will need to let them know at the gate that you are from the Sioux Empire Kennel Club if you will be using the building.

Paula received an apology letter from the Red Roof Inn about the incident that happened during the judge’s stay for the fall show.

Vice President

Kris reported that the classes are set for March. Fliers went out to local veterinarians. The fliers will direct people to the website.

Awards Banquet - The Awards Banquet is tentatively set for March 14th. Kris is looking for a place to hold it. She reported that there are approximately half as many awards submitted as there were last year. The Board will need to vote on Member of the Year and New Member of the Year awards.

Programs - Dr. Dodds is scheduled for April at the library by Washington High School. It will be interactive. We will need to be sure to let the club members know the meeting will be held at a different location.

Treasurer’s Report

There are issues with the club computer. Dee will update us when they get it fixed.

Old Business

Laptop – The new laptop/printer are set up, but are still having issues. Paula will be taking it in to get fixed.

Website - Tammie Smart is assisting with the website.

Facebook - Facebook has been fixed.

Big Paws – Big Paws sent a photo that will be hung up at the club.

Old Rules - It was discussed to remove the following rules.

  • 2001 - If instructor teaches 2 classes they get 50% off a seminar in the area in which they are teaching.

  • 2001 - Programs

  • April 2000 – Pre-registration

  • September 2002 - Newsletter pricing

  • 2003 - Nonmembers should not assist with classes

  • 2003 - Adult dogs or equipment can be advertised.

  • Club Members can use the facility with out of town guests Motion to remove the above rules-Dave, Second-Dee. Motion carried.

  • Removal of July 2009 - Shock collars are prohibited

Motion-Dave, Second Brian. Motion carried.

Agility Trial - in process

Summer Obedience - The cones will be purchased locally. The bowls and sign holders are being ordered.

Title Ribbons - Kristine is working on finding a unique combination. She would like to have red since it is the club’s color.

Pins for Titles - should be done

Compilation - There was discussion to have the $75 contain the price of the class and the taxes.

Sunshine Club - Cards will be sent for illnesses or deaths

New Business

Audit Committee-

Karen Bos-Carey and Laura Blankenship presented the Audit Committee’s report.

  • The club will cancel the debit card. The club will open up a credit card in the name of the club for the amount of $2000. Motion-Kristine /Second- Dee. Motion carried.

  • Internal Control Policy

  • Must have 2 signatures on the bank account

  • CDs must have the names changed within a month of officer changes

  • CDs –Each CD will be re-evaluated at its maturity to determine where it should be

  • reinvested.

  • Pay by check whenever possible for a better audit trail

  • Debit cards- only the President and Treasurer have authority

  • Edward Jones-2/3 building and 1/3 not for profit

The Internal Control Policy will be discussed more in March.

Motion- Brian /Second- Dave. Motion carried.

Seminar –The working spots for Nose Works have been filled. A waiting list will be started. There has been an anonymous donation for 3 weekend auditing spots. The Board will discuss at the March meeting.

PR Person - There is a need for a PR person to promote the Club’s activities. Brian spoke with a representative at KELO to see if there would be any interest in allowing SEKC to assist with their Humane Society food drive.

Building Needs –Brian volunteered to be on the building committee to look at equipment and see what needs to be fixed or replaced.

Giving -Paula suggested giving to the Active Generation’s AniMeals on Wheels.

The next meeting will be held Thursday, March 5, 2015 at 7:00 pm at Caribou Coffee.

Kristine made a motion to adjourn the meeting with a second by Dee. Motion carried.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:10 pm.

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