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SEKC Board Meeting Feb 23 2016

February 23, 2016 – CTO 6:56 p.m.

Hy-Vee – Minnesota Avenue – Sioux Falls, SD

Present – Paula Spielman, Johna Nielsen, Mert Kramer, Dawn Fischer, David Nilsen, Brian Frentz, Tammie Smart, Maggie Pearson, Jackie Potter, entering for Agility Jump presentation Suze Frentz, and Denise Erger

M/S/P - Brian Frentz/Mert Kramer to approve January minutes

Agility Jump Proposal -

Suze and Denise presented a proposal for new jumps. Total would be approximately $2,063.34 from Clean Run. Questions were asked on durability, referrals from other clubs and quotes from other companies ie. Max 200.

M/S/P – Tammie Smart/Dawn Fischer to approve the recommendation from the Board to the Membership to allow the purchase of new jumps after further evaluation. Jumps will be presented to Membership on March 8, 2016.

Officers Reports:

President: Met with the Summer Show Chair, Brian Schaffer. Brian will keep the board informed of

progress for this show.

Vice President:

Membership Due Rates:

M/S/P – Dave Nielsen/Mert Kramer to open discussion of Membership dues

Membership dues have not been raised for many years. The dues for many other clubs far exeed the 50.00 and 100.00 mark. The proposal from the Board is to raise dues in 2017 to $30.00 for Individual, $50.00 for Household, and $20.00 for Junior Members.

M/S/P – Mert Kramer/Dave Nielsen to approve the new rates for proposal to the Membership at the March 8, 2016 General Membership meeting. Jackie will email and mail out notifications to the club. Tammie Smart will put the same information on the website. Membership Application:



Johna would like to revise the applications, it was decided that she would revise and bring to the board at the next meeting being March 29,2016. Mert will get with the accountant on the verbiage that can or cannot be used as pertaining to the proposal of moving forward with the 501(c)3 organization.

New email for the Secretary is up and running at

Jackie notified AKC of the Officer Changes.

Award emails and letters have been sent out. Everyone who would like to attend please RSVP by March 7, 2016 to

Rule Books are in for those who wanted one, you can contact Tammie Smart

Will be talking more to the accountant about pulling paperwork for the 501(c)3 change and will get this information to the board when possible.

Old Business:

Audit Committee: Audit Committee did great and we thank them for their important position. Web site: Will change the address to the PO Box 719 instead of Mert house address.

Fall Show: Follow-Up Meeting is March 9 place and time TBD

Building Committee: Dave has possibly found a couple that is new to the club to help him clean. They are Leah and Tyler Hupp and we welcome them and thank them to be getting involved

Sunshine: Nothing to report at this time

Classes: Seminars:


New Business: Programs:


Board Meeting:

Tammie Smart classes are going great this session and we keep getting calls.

Agility Seminar is full, Connie Cleveland seminar is almost full.

Seminar Suggestions, Fenzi Sports Academy – Paula suggested to get the Seminar Ideas to Carol as she is coordinating those.

Maggie stated she would like to do a Meet the Breed the weekend after Labor Day, more details to follow.

Budget for promotions for FaceBook – Board suggested $90.00 to use for the year. Suggested the club look into EBS where the employees of companies get a discount if they have this card to use. Suggestion of 2 discounted or free classes per year. Maggie will look into this further.

If anyone would like to head a committee to line up Programs at the General Membership Meetings, please let Paula know. – Jackie will send out this email. Maggie will have the Logo Survey go live to collect information about the logo. The next Board Meeting will be March 29 at 7:00 pm place TBD

Next Month’s Meeting: Logo Survey

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