
SEKC Clubhouse
Old MacDonald's Farm Building
W.H. Lyon Fairgrounds
100 N Lyon Blvd.
Sioux Falls, SD 57107
Mailing address:
PO Box 719, Sioux Falls, SD 57101

AKC FIT DOG Spring Scurry
The AKC FIT DOG Spring Scurry is a virtual 5K (3.1 miles) that people do with their dogs. The non-competitive 5K Spring Scurry can be done all at one time, or in smaller segments on multiple days so that everyone (people and dogs) can participate at their own pace. This can be a walk or run activity.
Click HERE for details.
2025 SEKC Awards Banquet Registration Link: https://fs27.formsite.com/sekc/jasekpbahi/index

Pet owners may need to update microchip registrations.
The microchip company “Save This Life” has gone out of business. As a result, any pet with a microchip registered with Save This Life will no longer have accessible owner information because their databases have been unlinked from the national registries. This means that, if your pet were to become lost, there is no easy way for any shelter or veterinary hospital to find your information.
Getting a new microchip is not necessary, you just need to register the microchip with a new company.
If your pet's microchip number starts with either 991 or 900164, then you could have one of Save This Life’s microchips. If you have your pet's microchip number but don't know which company it is registered to, go to https://www.aaha.org/for-veterinary-professionals/microchip-search/. If you don't know the chip number, go to your veterinarian, a local shelter or rescue, or some law enforcement centers to have the chip scanned.
Several microchip companies are offering free registration for dog owners who purchased a Save This Life microchip. A list of pet microchip registries can be found at https://www.aaha.org/participating-companies/.
Severe weather, home fire, flooding and other disasters can be devastating.
Have a plan in place for your family, including the
furry family members.
Family disaster plans and downloadable forms are
available HERE.

AKC.TV is a digital network that brings 24/7 original dog-centric content to viewers.
There are hundreds of videos on various topics that includes puppy videos, heartwarming stories, training tips, breed specific information, dog sports and more.
Check it out at https://akc.tv/.

AKC Canine College is the American Kennel Club's online education platform, providing premium instructional and engaging opportunities for judges, breeders, and dog lovers. Hundreds of online learning courses allow you to work on your own schedule.
Topics range from training and learning games to play with your dog, breed information, testing to become an evaluator or judge for specific sports, and more!
Visit our Calendar of Events to learn about upcoming SEKC events and classes as well as area shows and trials!